The foregoing letter from an anonymous wife provides the stimulus for this editorial. On the one hand there are a great many FPs bewailing their fate because their wives either know and don't understand their hus- bands dressing or who don't know and the husband feels certain that they wouldn't understand if they did. On the other hand we have a consider- able number of husbands whose wives do know of their dressing and whose reaction runs all the way from tolerance thru acceptance to cooperation and participation. Naturally the latter group is the subject of much envy from the former.

It is, however, much to be regretted that in letters like the proceeding one and in personal communications and conversations with wives I am informed that many of such fortunate husbands do not "pay their dues". At the same time histories come across my desk thru FPE applications and letters that say something to the effect that, "my wife used to be very accepting and cooperative when we were first married (or after I first told her) but of late years she has gone from a "B" to a "D" wife”. As an out- sider trying to digest this type of information I am forced to the question of "what made such a nice situation go bad"? I may not have the ans- wers for all such conditions since there are obviously a lot of personal situations that may develop within one family that I would not know about and which could contribute mightily to the change of attitude. However I am persuaded that I have a pretty good idea of what happened in a lot of such cases and I'd like to share them with you in the hope that it might help some such deteriorating cases to reverse themselves and to help pre- vent them in others.

First let me say that I don't speak from out of nowhere. In another "TV" publication, the editor, commenting on my book "The Transves-